Vitracoat’s Grand Opening Event: A Triumph of Innovation and Industry Leadership


The atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation as industry leaders, partners, and media representatives gathered for the grand opening of Vitracoat’s state-of-the-art Production Facility and Innovation Research Center in Houston, Texas. The event, held on April 3rd, 2024, marked a significant milestone in the company’s illustrious 76-year history, setting a new benchmark for excellence and innovation in the powder coating industry.

The day began with the ribbon cutting with Vitracoat’s team. In the afternoon, the event continued with a warm welcome to attendees where Vitracoat’s CEO, Luis Moussali, highlighted the journey and vision behind the new facility. Attendees were then treated to an exclusive tour, showcasing the cutting-edge technology and advanced capabilities that define Vitracoat’s commitment to quality and innovation. The tour highlighted the facility’s impressive capacity to triple domestic production output and double research and development efforts, underscoring Vitracoat’s readiness to meet the growing demand for high-performance powder coatings.

Throughout the tour, guests had the opportunity to witness live demonstrations of the latest advancements in powder coating technology. Vitracoat’s technical experts were on hand to explain the innovative processes and machinery that enable the company to stay ahead of industry trends and maintain its competitive edge. These demonstrations provided a tangible understanding of how Vitracoat’s new facility will revolutionize the powder coating landscape.

The highlight of the event was a keynote speech by Vitracoat’s CEO, Luis Moussali, followed by President Steve Houston, who shared insights into the company’s strategic vision and the pivotal role the new facility will play in achieving its ambitious growth targets. The speeches resonated with the audience, emphasizing Vitracoat’s unwavering dedication to pushing boundaries and setting new industry standards.

Attendees also had the opportunity to engage in networking sessions, fostering connections between industry professionals and potential collaborators. The event served as a platform for exchanging ideas and discussing future trends, further solidifying Vitracoat’s position as a thought leader in the powder coating sector.

Feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive. Many praised the meticulous planning and execution of the event, noting that it not only highlighted Vitracoat’s technological prowess but also its commitment to fostering strong relationships within the industry. The grand opening was lauded as an exemplary demonstration of Vitracoat’s values and vision.

“This facility and capabilities are a game-changer for the industry,” said one attendee. “The level of innovation and expertise showcased here today is truly inspiring. Vitracoat is clearly setting the standard for the future of powder coating.”

As the event concluded, it was evident that Vitracoat’s grand opening was more than just a celebration of a new facility; it was a testament to the company’s enduring legacy and forward-thinking approach. The successful event not only showcased Vitracoat’s cutting-edge capabilities but also reinforced its role as a pioneer in the powder coating industry.

For those who missed the event, Vitracoat offers a glimpse into the future of powder coating through its ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence. The new Production Facility and Innovation Research Center stand as a beacon of what is possible when a company is driven by a passion for progress and a dedication to its customers and employees.

For more information about Vitracoat and its groundbreaking new facility, visit

Contact Information:

  • Phone: (574) 264 – 6090
  • Address: 7002 Brittmoore Road, Houston, TX. 77041
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