
Our History

Vitracoat has been manufacturing quality industrial coatings for over 75 years and powder coatings for over 30 years.

At the core of the Vitracoat brand is a trusted family owned international leader of quality powder coatings. Throughout the years Vitracoat has expanded operations across multiple continents and is ranked amongst the top powder coating manufacturers in the world.  We are a company of over 1000 employees, with production capacities exceeding 80 million pounds per year. Our powder coatings can be found in everything from everyday objects to aerospace and beyond. With our North American Headquarters in Elkhart, Indiana and with offices across the western hemisphere we are available to offer the best service and delivery in the industry.


Vitracoat Introduction

Vitracoat – Full Story

Our Vision/Mission

Vitracoat is committed to earning our customer’s business by providing powder coating products and services that exceed expectations.

We are dedicated to continuous improvement, driven by our core principles and guided by uncompromising values.

We will retain a relentless commitment to:

  • Product Performance 
  • Development of People
  • Unmatched Responsiveness

Safety and Compliance

Vitracoat is committed to doing business ethically and responsibly. See information and documents regarding our certifications, safety issues, and compliance.

ISO – 14001

ISO – 9001
